A Comprehensive Guide for Irish Teachers Looking to Teach in England

by Aquinas education
April 22, 2023

Are you an Irish teacher looking to teach in England? With the right qualifications, knowledge, and preparation, teaching in England can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. This comprehensive guide provides you with all the information and resources you need to make your transition to teaching in England as smooth and successful as possible. 

We’ll cover the qualifications you need, the job search process, and everything you need to know about living and working in England. Follow this guide and you’ll have all the information you need to make your move to England a successful one.

At Aquinas we have been working successfully with Irish teachers since we started 14 years ago and have placed many Irish teachers into some of the best schools in London and across the UK.

Qualifications and Requirements for Becoming a Teacher in England

The first step to teaching in England is to make sure you have the right qualifications and requirements. You must have a degree in Education or a related subject, as well as a teaching qualification such as the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or Bachelors of Education. In some cases, a degree in a non-teaching related subject may be acceptable, provided you have a teaching qualification.

The qualifications you receive from universities in Ireland are suitable for you to teach across the UK. You can also complete your ECT with no issues whether that be in a state school or an academy.

If you are an Irish teacher looking to teach in England register here

Finding Job Opportunities in England

With the necessary qualifications and documents, this is where we come into our own. We have schools across London and the rest of the UK, looking for teachers like you. Just register on the Aquinas system and you’ll be able to browse all of the roles available.

The best part about finding your role with Aquinas is the fact you can meet schools in person for you to see what school suits you best. We will always give you a number of opportunities for you to view, and find you the most suitable school. As well as this we help the whole way through from coming to introduce ourselves in person, to flying you over and visiting schools. This is all FREE of charge for teachers. You can see some examples below. 

When looking for job opportunities, it is important to be aware of the different types of schools in England. Primary schools are for children aged 4-11, while secondary schools are for students aged 11-18. In addition, universities in England offer a wide range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

We can help you prepare Your CV and Cover Letter

Once you have found a job opportunity that you are interested in, your assigned consultant will help you prepare your CV and cover letter. Your CV should be tailored to the job you are applying for, and it should include your qualifications, experience, and achievements. Your cover letter should be engaging and show your enthusiasm for the job.

The CV is more than fine to act as a profile – we need this just to introduce you to our schools. We can then do the rest.

When preparing your CV and cover letter, it is important to keep in mind the requirements of the job. Make sure to include any relevant qualifications, experience, and achievements that make you a suitable candidate for the job.

If you are an Irish teacher looking to teach in England register here

Applying for Jobs and Interview Tips

Once you have prepared your CV and cover letter, your consultant can talk to you about what jobs we have the suit your qualifications, experience and wishes in terms of area and type of school. We will always endeavour to give you multiple options in schools that we know all about.

When you are invited for an interview, you should prepare by researching the school and the job. You should also practice your answers to common interview questions and make sure to dress appropriately for the interview.

Again your consultants can prepare you for your interview but you will feel that they are a lot more laid back than you think.

It is also important to remember to be yourself during the interview. The interviewers will be looking for someone who is enthusiastic, passionate and committed to the job.

If you are coming over to the UK for an interview, we will meet you, take you to the interviews and make sure you feel comfortable and welcome. 

Tips for Relocating to England

If you are successful in your job application and you are ready to move to England, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, you should make sure to research the area you are moving to and find out as much as you can about the local area and the people. Again, with our years of experience, we can help a great deal with this and guide you towards the places you’re most likely to enjoy.  

Your consultant will have all of this information about the most vibrant and affordable areas from their own local knowledge. 

If you are an Irish teacher looking to teach in England register here

Understanding the English Education System

When you are teaching in England, it is important to have a good understanding of the English education system. This includes understanding the different types of schools, the curriculum, and the assessment methods. You can find out more information about the English education system on the UK government website. 

Teaching in England is similar in many ways and you will NOT feel out of place when beginning your teaching career. The skills you have learned in Ireland will be transferable to teaching in the UK.

You will also be supported by us at Aquinas and your school. This is not the first time they have done this so don’t worry!

Resources for Irish Teachers in England

If you are an Irish teacher looking to teach in England, our team will have most of the answers to any of your questions, so make us the first port of call. If you have questions, just call us and we will help you in any way we can. 

The Irish Embassy in London also provides advice and support to Irish teachers who are looking to teach in England. They can provide advice on relocation, as well as helping you to understand the different areas available to live and work.

Why not register on the system with the button below and start chatting it through with your Aquinas Education Consultant. There is NO cost to do this. 

If you are an Irish teacher looking to teach in England register here

Adjusting to the Culture in England

When you are living and working in England, it is important to remember that you are in a new country and culture. This means that you should take the time to adjust to the culture and the way of life in England. It isn’t that different, but cities are bigger and life maybe at a faster pace.

So, it’s a good plan to take the time to explore your area and get to know the people who live locally. This will help you to better understand the culture and the way of life in England, and will make your transition to teaching in England much smoother.

Again to help with this at Aquinas we do regular socials to make sure you are settling into the new city!

Here are a few case studies showing our connections with Ireland and Irish teachers

Kris from Belfast

Kris, a teacher from from Belfast flew over and was met by the Aquinas team at the airport at 9.00, by 10.00 he was in a school that had offered him a role. He had a busy day visiting schools around Liverpool and by the end of the day had completed five interviews. All of them offered him a job and he's starting over here soon. As a life long Evertonian, we even arranged for him to to visit his beloved Goodison Park on his way back to the airport later. 

Teacher Kris from Belfast visiting Goodison Park as part of his trip to Liverpool interviewing for teaching jobs with Aquinas Education

Orla and Ryan

We flew Orla and Ryan out to London Gatwick and they were greeted by one of our consultants at the airport. From the airport, the consultants took them to the school where the teachers had both been offered roles. We wanted to give them the opportunity to show them around the school, let them meet the teachers and become a bit more familiar with the surroundings. Once they’d spent some time at the school we bought them lunch and showed them around the borough they’d be working in. Once they’d seen a bit of the city, they then met the Aquinas Team in the London office. After a busy day, our consultant then took them back to the airport where they boarded their plane home.

Irish teachers visiting London to see the schools they will work in with Aquinas Education Irish teachers visiting London with Aquinas Education

Bella In Galway

Bella, our London Office Manager was recently in Ireland at the Galway careers fair! She said "Aquinas has such a special connection with Ireland and Irish teachers.

We love going over and meeting all the new teachers and having the opportunity to explain what Aquinas is about.

We currently have vacancies for September roles all across the U.K. and have already secured several positions for Irish students post-graduation.

We want to thank everyone who made an effort to come out, and if there are any further questions don't hesitate to get in touch."

Bella Aquinas Education London Office Manager visiting Galway Careers fair speaking to teachers in Ireland about working in London

If you are an Irish teacher looking to teach in England register here

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